We proudly organized First International Conference on‘ Apparel, Textiles & Fashion Designing ICATFD' 2015, which took place on 19th November at Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. It provided opportunity for designers, modelers, apparel sector people, fashion designers to share the knowledge. We held the conference to provide maximum benefits to them irrespective of participation.
The reason for selecting the conference topic is that the apparel, textiles & fashion design industries are developing and undergoing with lot of changes & the whole world is interesting in above subject area.
Janet Best, Colour Consultant / Natific AG CCol FSDCC Text ATI, the conference key Note delivered the key note speech on the topic of “Tomorrows Colours Today – Challenging the Tradition”. Her main concentration was on the colour combinations, matching colors in apparel, textiles & fashion designing industries & the knowing the customers future colour expectations in winning the industry. Through key note speech the members were able to get a sound understanding about the conference.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Noori, Choreographer and Creative Design Head, GIFT University, Pakistan, the in-charge of the fashion show which was held in the evening of the conference day. It was awesome event which coloufuls the day.
The scientific reports say that there were 12 presenters, 25 designers, 18 modelers from South Africa, Pakistan, UK, India, Dubai, Turkey. The valuable ideas, new design ideas, experiences, opportunity for sharing the knowledge were generated through the conference. Conference were held under three technical sessions within the whole day from 8.30am to 5.30pm with active participation of all participants. .The conference was ended with the Fashion show at Concord Grand Hotel with presenting more than 100 outfits. We had delighted to be celebrated Fashion's Night Out for conference attendees and Designers, and as the center of Colombo it made perfect sense to focus our activity with high Quality Designs. After the conference day, we organized the post conference tours with the participants of the conference.
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