Janet Best

Fashion Colour Management Specialist
Natific AG CCol FSDC CText ATI


Fashion Retail Colour Specialist CCol FSDC, CText ATI 

A global fashion textiles supply chain specialist with a legacy of working with Fortune 500 companies to achieve measurable results in improving their performance and partnerships. Instrumental in the development and commercial implementation of many of the digital colour processes used today. As head of colour at Marks and Spencer accountable for the annual colour quality of 4.5 b textiles, 500 shades and 25,000 colour submissions. Introducing the first commercial disruptive colour technologies and systems changed how the industry managed colour: digital technical colour libraries, interactive colour management supply chain systems, global supplier certification for colour approvals, calibrated colour screen systems to bring test grading to digital assessment. These innovations continue to save the fashion industry millions of dollars annually. Working with many international brands and partner to natific AG the global leaders in colour management solutions. Involvement in innovation continues for the next wave of disruptive technology solutions to change our industry. 

All the colour sciences and professions are linked, extensive international travel supports comprehensive data collection for colour trends forecasting and qualifications to practice and teach applied colour psychology powerfully supports work projects in the areas of colour for interiors, civic and retail design and the digital sectors, past projects with Samsung and Vodafone. Command of colour is critical a series of strategic workshops focusing on the critical elements of competing profitably in the increasingly complex retail marketplace as well as essential core skills. 

Regularly invited speaker to international conferences, advisor to avant-garde projects across the arts and sciences, think tanks, futurology panels, TV and Radio. Editor and co-author and contributor of a number of leading colour publications and books. 

Current interest is creation of new international standards of working for faster, lower cost, improved quality colour, supporting sustainability. Advances in colouration through environmental psychophysical design to support health and wellbeing. New tools for colour and improving colour skills in industry. 

Colour and textiles touches every person in the world, together as manufactures and consumers we hold the opportunity to improve everyone’s lives and our environment. 

Professional Groups and Societies: 
Board member The Textile Institute
Board member Colour Group of Great Britain
International colour Group (AIC) Educational committee
Society of Dyers and Colourists Colour Measurement Committee
Colour affects: professionals in applied colour psychology

Publications include: 
2012 Colour Design: Theories and Applications – Editor, Co Author (Woodheads)
2015 How to get started in Color Management guide (Dialog Textile Bekleidung) Co Author


2014 Textile Institute Section service award for contributions as international ambassador for education and skills in the textile industry. 2009 Society of Dyers and Colourist award for contribution to the SDC and colour industry 

Charity work: 
Ambassador supporting learned societies through education
Fun and science colour workshops for children in all countries
Mentor to students and small start-up business


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